stress - 4 out of 5 people* sufferin their daily lives.
* Gallup Poll 2008
HOW DO YOU BEAT IT? Keep reading...
We have all suffered from it at one time or another. We’re often told that we have to avoid it —but how can we—living in this day and age? Work, family,school, money, health, relationships and world events all contribute to it.
We all know we have to “cope” with stress. The question becomes not how do we avoid stress,but how do we increase our ability to successfully deal with it?
People are labelled with hundreds of different “disorders”.
But these labels never really explain anything—and they don’t give a solution. Unpredictable drugs are prescribed to cure “chemical imbalances” in the brain. Some believe that the mind is a physical organ—a theory with no scientific basis. There’s been a discovery about the human mind that is so simple, so incredible and so powerful … and you can use it in your life, right now.
It’s called Dianetics.
The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt.
It’s called the reactive mind—the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences, then uses them against you.
Dianetics gets rid of the reactive mind. It is the only thing that does.
Dianetics can bring lasting improvement to people all over the world.
Don’t live with insecurity, negative thoughts, depressions, irrational behavior.
Use Dianetics and get rid of your reactive mind.
The Basic Theory…the analytical mindthe reactive mind
L. Ron Hubbard discovered that your true potential lies in the mind that you use every day. This is the analytical mind. It’s called analytical because itanalyzes information. He compared the analytical mind to a computer that perfectly records and stores information. This is the mind that you use every day to think, and to make decisions in life. Every day memories are recorded in the analytical mind, much like files are recorded in the computer. If you ask the analytical mind a question, it always gives you the right answer. If you ask it, for instance, for your high school graduation, it will give you a picture of the graduation, who was present, the sounds, colors, the position of your body and hundreds of other perceptions.Except in moments of emotional or physical pain, the analytical mind is always working and recording mental image pictures.You use all of this stored information to make decisions in life and achieve what you want. The more you use your analytical mind, the better you do in life.
WHERE IS THE ERROR?If the analytical mind is so perfect, and always comes up with the right answers, where is the error?
Why do you wake up one day feeling like you can take on the world, and the next day wish you’d never gotten out of bed?
Why do you hurt the people you love the most?
Why do you feel compelled to do things you know are bad for you?
Where does irrational behavior come from?
Well, you can relax. It doesn’t come from you.
You can’t seem to let go of the physical and emotional pain in your life, because it’s locked up in the second part of the mind—the reactive mind.If the analytical mind is like a perfect computer, then the reactive mind is like a computer virus that has infected it. The reactive mind is completelyillogical, completely irrational and completely useless. It kicks into action every time you’re under stress, every time you’re in pain, or sick. It records moments of physical pain and unconsciousness, such as accidents or operations, and moments of severe emotional pain and loss, such as deaths, divorces orbusiness failures. Once these painful incidents are recorded in your reactive mind, they have the power to control your emotions, your thoughts and youractions—against your own will and your better judgment.
The reactive mind is the single source of all of the pain and suffering in your life. It is the single source of all irrationality.So what is in your reactive mind? Maybe the agonizing end of a once wonderful relationship? A serious setback in your career? A major illness?A car accident? Or perhaps childhood trauma that affects you even today. It was L. Ron Hubbard’s discovery that all the painful experiences of your life are contained in the reactive mind. And while everyone has a reactive mind, the contents of yours are personal to you.
THE STATE OF CLEARWithout a reactive mind, you will be able to think clearly, act rationally and be yourself again. This state is called Clear. Tens of thousands of people areClears. You can be too. Your dreams are within reach. You just need to get rid of the things that are holding you back. You need to get rid of your reactivemind with Dianetics technology.
DIANETICS MOUNTAIN VIEW 117 Easy St Mountain View, Ca 94043 650-969-5262
Do the Hubbard® Dianetics® Seminar
THE PAIN I FELT BEFORE WE STARTED, IT’S GONE!“Thank you for the opportunity todo this seminar. I learned I can talkto others about events, feelings andopinions and bare (if you will) facts thatI didn’t even think about before. Justfor the record, the pain I felt before westarted, it’s gone!” BK
I AM ACHIEVING MY OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE MENTALLY“I could feel the stress just like when theincident happened. When I was askedto come back I felt like I had to actuallycome back. It was like going back in time.Dianetics works like they say it does. I amachieving my optimum performancementally. Before today, I had no ideawhat Dianetics could do!” RL
IT HELPS YOU PEEL OFF THE GHOSTS OF THE PAST“I feel hope and I see light ahead afterdoing the seminar. The Dianeticsauditing helps you actually peel offthe ghosts of the past and now I amfeeling much lighter than before Icame in. You can peel off that onion,the negative feelings, from the pastand you can definitely move up. Ican’t wait to do Dianetics again.” FG
THE HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE HELPED ME HELP MYSELF AND OTHERS.“I started Dianetics about 3 monthsago but never wanted to actually dothe auditing. I was concerned as towhether or not I would be a goodauditor because I didn’t have anyexperience. Then I got an invitation forthis seminar. I had to force myself tocome. Now, after having gone throughit, I am very glad I made the decisionto be here. The hands-on experiencehelped me to take the next step intohelping myself and others.” SR
I GOT RID OF THE NEGATIVE PARTS FROM THE REACTIVE MIND“This was my first time doing Dianetics.I wasn’t prepared to get to the point ofunderstanding the process of auditing.However, when I got through it Ireally felt I experienced feelings thatI wasn’t aware of. I re-experiencedagain something that happened backin my life and actually got rid of thenegative parts of it from the reactivemind. It was a great feeling.” LL
THE CONSTANT ANXIETY IS TOTALLY GONE—VANISHED!“So far I have learned more in the lasttwo days than I have in the last severalyears. My head feels as if a weight hasbeen lifted from the top of it. I haveso much energy that I feel like a newperson. I used to think there was ‘noway to get rid of my constant anxiety’and yet I realized that after my firsttime through the Dianetics procedureit was totally gone—vanished.” MC
THE NIGHTMARES AND NERVOUSNESS EXPLODED INTO NOTHINGNESS“I came to the seminar not sure if Dianeticscould help even though I had hopefrom reading the book. Since my brotherdied in a bad accident, I’d had persistentnightmares and was very nervous. Thiswas affecting my work and health. Well,in the Dianetics all the suppressed griefcame to the surface and I was able toreally talk about the accident for thefirst time! Afterwards I just felt filled withtremendous love for my brother! What’smore, the nightmares and nervousnessexploded into nothingness, and now Ifeel this great calmness. I’m back on topand excited about life again.” JJgets results
Dianetics is the most popular and effective book on the mind ever published. More than 20 million copies have been sold in50 languages. In 160 nations people are using the breakthrough Dianetics® technology to make dramatic, permanent improvements intheir lives. Read Dianetics and use it. Take back the power to handle your own life.
At the HUBBARD DIANETICS SEMINAR you start onthe road to attaining the state of Clear. You willmeet people like yourself—those who are readyto tackle what is holding them back in life—andlearn how to apply the techniques of Dianetics to erasethe damaging experiences from the past that are lockedin your reactive mind.With lots of demonstrations and a film detailing every aspectof Dianetics theory and procedure, you’ll know exactly how itis done and be able to get started fast. You’ll receive Dianeticsyourself and you can have as much as you like. And every stepof the way trained Dianetics specialists will be there to assistyou and answer any questions.Achieve the success and happiness you really want and canhave.Attend the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar and experience thepower of Dianetics.
Enroll today!
L. RON HUBBARD, best known to the world as the Founder of Dianeticsand Scientology, is universally acclaimed as the single most influential authorand humanitarian of this modern age. His definitive works on the mind andspirit—comprising over 200 million copies in circulation and more than 40international bestsellers—have resulted in a legacy benefiting millions and amovement spanning all cultures.
DIANETICS IS AN ADVENTURE. It is an exploration into TerraIncognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknownrealm half an inch back of our foreheads.The discoveries and developments which made theformulation of Dianetics possible occupied many years ofexact research and careful testing. This was exploration; it wasalso consolidation. The trail is blazed, the routes are sufficientlymapped for you to voyage in safety into your own mind and recover thereyour full inherent potential, which is not, we now know, low but very, veryhigh. As you progress in therapy, the adventure is yours to know why you didwhat you did when you did it, to know what caused those Dark and UnknownFears which came in nightmares as a child, to know where your momentsof pain and pleasure lay. There is much which an individual does not knowabout himself, about his parents, about his “motives.” Some of the things youwill find may astonish you, for the most important data of your life may benot memory, but engrams* in the hidden depths of your mind: not articulate,but only destructive.You will find many reasons why you “cannot get well” and you will know atlength, when you find the dictating lines in the engrams, how amusing thosereasons are, especially to you.Dianetics is no solemn adventure. For all that it has to do with suffering andloss, its end is always laughter—so foolish, so misinterpreted were the thingswhich caused the woe…You are beginning an adventure. Treat it as an adventure. And may younever be the same again.L. Ron HubbardFrom Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health*engram: any moment of greater or lesser “unconsciousness” on the part of theanalytical mind which permits the reactive mind to record; the total content of thatmoment with all perceptics.
L.Ron Hubbard
It altered the course of human thinking and brought about a new state for Man…DIANETICS
DIANETICS—DERIVED FROM THE GREEK WORDS, “DIA” (THROUGH) AND “NOUS” (MIND OR SOUL)—is a methodology to resolve the problems of the mind. There is only one thing that holds an individual back from being the best they can possibly be—from operating at their optimum. It is the unconscious, sub-conscious or reactive mind. It is the source of your nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets or any insecurity. The Complete Dianetics How-To Kit contains the precise materials for you to study and apply so you can get rid of your reactive mind. You’ll discover your full, inherent potential, and gain the knowledge to improve your work, better your marriage or relationships and your ability to communicate. The stresses and strains of life no longer have the effect they once had and you’ll be able to face life with more energy and confidence.Buy and UseTHE COMPLETE DIANETICS HOW-TO KITToday!
DIANETICS MOUNTAIN VIEW 117 Easy St Mountain View, Ca 94043 650-969-5262
Copyright © 2009 CSI. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. DIANETICS, SCIENTOLOGY, BOOK ONE, BOOK 1 and the Dianetics symbol in a circle are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Item C6340.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dianetics has changed the lives of millions. Experience for yourself how it can help you. Two-day Seminar, held Saturday and SundayDianetics Life Improvement Center331 Castro St. Mountain View, Ca© 2009 CSI. All Rights Reserved. Dianetics is a trademark and service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is used with its permission. C6376
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Do you ever leave your future up to fate?Do you feel like your success or failure in life is just a matter of luck?Feeling helpless about improving your lot in life?Almost everyone would like to improve conditions in their life. But how do you do it? What if there were exact formulas one could follow to improve the state of any aspect of life- education, marriage or career? There are!Free Consultation and Training Available Church of Scientology Mountain View117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca 94043650-969-5262 (Official Site)
Do you ever leave your future up to fate?Do you feel like your success or failure in life is just a matter of luck?Feeling helpless about improving your lot in life?
Almost everyone would like to improve conditions in their life. But how do you do it? What if there were exact formulas one could follow to improve the state of any aspect of life- education, marriage or career? There are!
Free Consultation and Training Available
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca
650-969-5262 (Official Site)
Almost everyone would like to improve conditions in their life. But how do you do it? What if there were exact formulas one could follow to improve the state of any aspect of life- education, marriage or career? There are!
Free Consultation and Training Available
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca
650-969-5262 (Official Site)
Volunteer Ministers
Do you feel let down by others?Who do you trust and how do you know who to avoid?How can you better predict behavior?
How much greater would be our chances of success if we could predict whether someone we meet will turn out honest or dishonest? Maybe you use hard won experience or you listen to your "gut feelings" about a person. But either one is hit-or-miss at best. Learn to judge people accurately and so assure yourself of a more certain and happier future.
Free Consultation and Training Available
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca
650-969-5262 (Official Site)
How much greater would be our chances of success if we could predict whether someone we meet will turn out honest or dishonest? Maybe you use hard won experience or you listen to your "gut feelings" about a person. But either one is hit-or-miss at best. Learn to judge people accurately and so assure yourself of a more certain and happier future.
Free Consultation and Training Available
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca
650-969-5262 (Official Site)
How do you know the decisions you make are the right ones?How do you balance everything in life for the best possible survival?Searching for your relationship to a higher power? There are eight urges toward survival or "dynamics" which make up life itself. By understanding these, the tangles of life unravel and you gain control once again.Free Consultation and Training Available Church of Scientology Mountain View117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca 94043650-969-5262 (Official Site)
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Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Do you have trouble communicating?Do you ever feel like you're talking but no one is listening?Do you have trouble getting your ideas across?Communication skills are essential to everything we do in life, in fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication os the one activity all people share. Contained in this booklet is the exact formula for communication which, when understood and applied, results in an increased ability to communicate. And here too are drills anyone can do to improve personal communication skills and therby enjoy greater success in life.Free Consultation and Training Available Church of Scientology Mountain View117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca 94043650-969-5262 (Official Site)
Call Now for More Information and Free Introductory Services
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Concerned about your child's health and future happiness?As a parent, are you worried you're doing it all wrong?What does discipline have to do with raising a child?Dispel the mysteries, opinions and theories that have done little to alleviate the problems and uncertaqinties of child-rearing.Free Consultation and Training Available Church of Scientology Mountain View117 Easy St.Mountain View, Ca 94043650-969-5262 (Official Site)
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Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
How do you speed an injured person's recovery?What do you do to make a drunk person sober?How do you bring relief to someone who is ill?When faced with illness or injury of a friend or family member we would all life to help bring them some relief.Learn "assists" and they're easy to learn and simple to do, but give very real results.
Call Now for More Information and Free Introductory Services
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy StMountain View, Ca 94043
Is drug addition tearing your family apart?Are drugs destroying someone you love?Do you feel hopeless about helping someone with a drug problem?No sector of life is untouched by the epidemic of drug abuse. Crime and violence are the most obvious byproducts, but the lives ruined or lost to drugs are the most tragic. And the problem is not limited to the street drugs; the effects of medical and psychiatricdrugs, whether painkillers, tranquilizers or "antidepressants", are equaly disastrous. Learn why drugs are so damaging to the mind as well as the body. You'll also gain practical tools you can use to help someone recover from drug abuse.Church of Scientology Mountain View117 Easy StMountain View, Ca
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