Thursday, March 29, 2012

Drugs and Toxins Dull Your Life - Free Lecture

Come to a FREE educational lecture by
Michael Wisner, toxicology expert and author
of the book Living Healthy in a Toxic World.

At this lecture you will discover how you can immediately start to live
healthier in a toxic world and how L. Ron Hubbard’s Purification Program is the first effective program designed to get rid of all toxins in your body, giving you more energy and clarity of thought.
Friday, March 30th at 7:00pm
Hosted by the Dianetics & Scientology
Life Improvement Information Center
331 Castro Street
(between Dana and California)
Downtown Mountain View
(650) 969-5262

Copyright © 2011 Church of Scientology Mountain View. All Rights Reserved. SCIENTOLOGY, DIANETICS and PURIFICATION are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

Our mailing address is:

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy Street

Mountain View, CA 94043

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Drugs and Toxins Dull Your Life - Free Lecture

Come to a FREE educational lecture by
Michael Wisner, toxicology expert and author
of the book Living Healthy in a Toxic World.

At this lecture you will discover how you can immediately start to live
healthier in a toxic world and how L. Ron Hubbard’s Purification Program is the first effective program designed to get rid of all toxins in your body, giving you more energy and clarity of thought.
Friday, March 30th at 7:00pm
Hosted by the Dianetics & Scientology
Life Improvement Information Center
331 Castro Street
(between Dana and California)
Downtown Mountain View
(650) 969-5262

Copyright © 2011 Church of Scientology Mountain View. All Rights Reserved. SCIENTOLOGY, DIANETICS and PURIFICATION are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

Our mailing address is:

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy Street

Mountain View, CA 94043




Wednesday, March 21



A Human Rights Forum Presented by

Youth For Human Rights Silicon Valley

Special Guest Speaker – Anu Peshawaria

International Attorney, former World Tennis Champion from India

And Civil and Human Rights Activist with SevA Legal Aid Foundation


Where:  Dianetics and Scientology Information Center

                            331 Castro St.

                            Mountain View, CA  94041

Time:  Wednesday, March 21 at 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

  Everyone is welcome.  Refreshments will be served.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is there a way to go from stress to success?




Scientology Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress

Is there a way to go from stress to success?

You can take control!

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THERE IS AN ANSWER to achieving all you want out of life. There is a way to unfetter yourself from the travails of managing your affairs and handling the tribulations associated with rising
costs. After all, your own happiness and spiritual pursuits depend on it. When you know how, you can proof yourself against - Financial concerns then, even if faced with a crisis, you can swiftly
recover. The Scientology Tools for Financial Security Course gives you the principles which governance—for any organization of any size or any individual. By attaining security, you can then
devote yourself to life’s higher goals.

On this course you will learn:

• How to plan your finances so you never go into debt.

• How to turn every outlay into an investment in your future.

• The steps to establish and maintain excellent credit standing and solvency.

The fundamental truths contained in this course, when applied, can result in continued prosperity and growth—for you, for your family and for your business, whether large or small.

“I understand why things have failed in the past and I know when I apply this technology my business will flourish. I can dissect my business, see what works and doesn’t and see how to control it
and make it grow. I feel stronger and more confident because I have a plan. at is the true definition of security.” V.J.

DONATION: $50.00 - Includes Materials - For more information, contact:

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy St.

Mountain View, Ca 94043


2010 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. >

Tired Fatigue Aches Pains Headaches Depression Anxiety Angry Anger Nervous Panic Attacks Illness Injury Stress Trauma Phobia Eating Manic Lonely Empty Relationship Love Pain Loss Loser Compulsive
Impulsive Weak Weakness Stupid Unstable Unhappy Unfriendly Critical Irritable Social Marriage Children Communication Talking Pleasure Fear Pressure Drugs Alcohol Reactive React Inefficient Shock
Sleep Emotional Emotion Happy Thinking Thought Negative Stable Stability Guilty Hopeless Restless Worthless Concentration Recall Remember Remembering Forgetful Unforgiving Cold Sad Anxious
Disorder Therapy Sick

What is the key to your security?



Scientology Tools for Financial Security


What is the key to your security?


Unlock the doors to success in the game of life


THERE IS AN ANSWER to achieving all you want out of life. There is a way to unfetter yourself from the travails of managing your affairs and handling the tribulations associated with rising
costs. After all, your own happiness and spiritual pursuits depend on it. When you know how, you can proof yourself against - Financial concerns. Then, even if faced with a crisis, you can
swiftly recover.


The Scientology Tools for Financial Security Course gives you the principles which govern - Finance—for any organization of any size or any individual. By attaining security, you can then devote
yourself to life’s higher goals.


On this course you will learn:

• How to plan your finances so you never go into debt.

• How to turn every outlay into an investment in your future.

• The steps to establish and maintain excellent credit standing and solvency.

The fundamental truths contained in this course, when applied, can result in continued prosperity and growth—for you, for your family and for your business, whether large or small.



“I understand why things have failed in the past and I know when I apply this technology my business will Flourish. I can dissect my business, see what works and doesn’t and see how to control it
and make it grow. I feel stronger and more con- dent because I have a plan. at is the true definition of security.” V.J.


DONATION: $50.00 - Includes Materials - For more information, contact:


Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy St.

Mountain View, Ca 94043



2012 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

How can I accomplish more?

How to get Motivated

How can I accomplish more?
Here’s how to really get going in life

TO ACCOMPLISH YOUR goals, you need personal drive—and active doing. You have to overcome barriers and keep moving forward. Success, therefore, requires personal motivation. So why do we often procrastinate? And sometimes end up doing nothing? Why do we occasionally delay some trivial thing that then develops into a crisis?

The How to Get Motivated Course answers these questions. It shows you how to overcome barriers to accomplishing something. It provides the know-how to make work simpler and more desirable, so your motivation grows.

On this course you will learn:

• The pitfalls of leaving something incomplete—how it doubles your work.

• An exercise that will help you rise above your troubles.

• The exact anatomy of control and precisely how to direct people, objects and activities in your environment. When you know what stops you from getting going, you can increase your motivation and raise your effectiveness.

“AMAZING! This course completely changed my viewpoint on living. It allowed me to realize that if I’m ever going to create to the orders of magnitude I intend to achieve, I need to apply this simple technology.” J.K.

DONATION: $50.00 - Includes Materials - For more information, contact:

Life Improvement Center
331 Castro St.
Mountain View, Ca 94041

2010 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. >

Achieve abundance in all things



Scientology Principles of Prosperity

Achieve abundance in all things

Direct your prosperity

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DO YOU WANT to live a full and happy life and be free? A greater abundance makes life less stressful and more satisfying. But how do you get there? The answers lie in basic natural laws, and the
Scientology Principles of Prosperity Course gives you the laws that make it possible to be prosperous, which then allows you to succeed as an individual.

Your survival is important to you, your family and those who depend on you. Having and applying the fundamentals of prosperity will help you help those you care about most.

On this course you will learn:

• How to really understand money so you can finally turn your mind to more important pursuits.

• What economics is.

• The subject of “exchange” and how it regulates your good state of mind and your prosperity.

• The four factors you need to know to win. When you understand the basics and use the tools you learn on this course, you can gain full control over your present and future prosperity.

“It is such a relief to know how to grow my business and use specific tools. To know that my effective, quality work in production and delivery—combined with a joyful attitude and a clever use of
resources— will help me win, brings the big picture into focus. I have plans to put into action now, to flourish and prosper, not just to ‘get along.’” V.J.

DONATION: $50.00 - Includes Materials - For more information, contact:

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy St.

Mountain View, Ca 94043


2012 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

Master the skills of leadership



Scientology Tools for Effective Leadership

What does it take to lead successfully?

Master the skills of leadership

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WHY DO PEOPLE respect and support some as leaders and shun or despise others? How does one executive achieve prosperity and pay his staff well, while another fails? Is it fate? Luck? Some special
gift only “the successful ones” have?

The Scientology Tools for Effective Leadership Course answers these questions and gives you the true laws of leadership.

On this course you will learn:


• Exactly what an executive is, what he must know and do to be an effective, efficient administrator.


• What a bad leader does that harms a group and what a good leader does that results in prosperity for group members.


• A precise description of administration basics, and the essential elements every executive must know. An executive armed with this knowledge can generate respect and cooperation from his staff.
And through the application of these leadership tools, he can achieve a higher existence for all concerned.


“This course really amazed me. I feel like I’ve had a two-month course packed into three course periods! The amount of immediately applicable information is ridiculous! I’ve had so many
realizations about my career and my job and I feel prepared to tackle matters I’ve been avoiding for years.” B.S.


DONATION: $50.00 - Includes Materials - For more information, contact:

Life Improvement Center

331 Castro St.

Mountain View, Ca 94041


2012 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.

What kills a rate 2.5x greater than homicide?

What kills people...

at a rate 2.5x greater than homicide?

The facts are hard to believe, but fatal to ignore. Get the facts. Come to our open house.

Open 7 days a week. Open 9am to 10pm M-F Sat-Sun 9-6pm
Church of Scientology Mountain View
117 Easy St.
Mountain View, Ca 94043

2010 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You learned how to talk…

Success Through Communication Course

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You learned how to talk…

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but did you learn how to communicate?

The Success Through Communication Course gives 18 exact skills that are the key to success in any endeavor.

Feel confident talking to anyone. Learn to really communicate with people. It is more than just speaking and listening. It is the foundation of your life. But what exactly is it, and how does it
really work? The answer to that question is one of the great discoveries of Scientology, a breakthrough that affects virtually every living being. Communication—real communication—can take down
the invisible walls that block understanding and prevent happiness and success. Knowledge and skill in communication can change your life almost overnight. Although instinctively considered a
vital necessity in living, the principles of communication had never actually been known… Until now.

The Success Through Communication Course gives 18 exact skills based on fundamental Scientology principles. These are the keys to success in any endeavor.

• How to start a conversation

• How to end one smoothly

• How to get your ideas across

• How to handle upsets

• How to be comfortable and confident in anyone’s presence

• And 13 more…

Communication is everything in life. Learn how to really communicate with Scientology.

Enroll on the Success Through Communication Course

Communication is the heart of life. You are as alive as you can communicate.

Enroll on the Success Through Communication Course You learned how to talk ... But did you learn how to communicate?

It doesn’t have to do with just talking and listening. It has to do with the foundation of your life. Factually, it is the most important breakthrough that has ever occurred in communication.
Real communication can take down the invisible walls blocking you from being understood and preventing you from attaining the happiness and success you should have. Here is a sampling of what
some of our students are saying about the Success Through Communication Course:

“When I finished the first drill on the Success Through Communication Course I felt like I was more in communication with the person I was drilling with than I had been with anyone else in my
entire life. I could just comfortably be there, and look him straight in the eye without fear, embarrassment or reservation. I would say it was magic, but I know better. It was my communication
skills!” –J.H.

“I noticed during the course that my abilities to communicate improved. I had the intention to improve my ability to communicate before I started the course, and I have achieved that. The course
has vastly advanced my abilities.” –T.L.

“People around me seemed to have profound friendships with deep understanding but I felt like mine were ‘shallow.’ I put on a social veneer so people would think I was happy and so I wouldn’t get
hurt. But I wasn’t happy. People didn’t understand me and I thought that’s how it would always be. Then I did the Success Through Communication Course. Now I can comfortably be myself with anyone
I communicate to and I know they understand me.” –M.S.

Enroll on the Success Through Communication Course

TO COMMUNICATE OR NOT TO COMMUNICATE? If you were to be in thorough and complete communication with a car and a road, you would certainly have no difficulty driving that car. But if you were only
in partial communication with the car and in no communication with the road, it is fairly certain that an accident will occur. Most accidents do occur when the driver is distracted by an argument
he has had, or by an arrest, or a white cross alongside the road that says where some motorist got killed, or by his own fears of accidents.

It might be seen by someone that the solution to communication is not to communicate. One might say that if he hadn’t communicated in the first place, he wouldn’t be in trouble now. Perhaps there
is some truth in this. But there is more truth in the fact that processing in the direction of “making communication unnecessary” or “reducing communication” is not processing at all, but murder.

A man is as dead as he can’t communicate. He is as alive as he can communicate.

With countless tests I have discovered (to a degree which could be called conclusive) that the only remedy for livingness is further communicatingness. One must add to his ability to communicate.
For a very great many years, I asked this question: “To communicate or not to communicate?” If one got himself in such thorough trouble by communication, then of course one should stop
communicating. But this is not the case. If one gets himself into trouble by communicating, he should further communicate. More communication, not less, is the answer. And I consider this riddle
solved after a quarter of a century of investigation and pondering. by L. Ron Hubbard

Course Donation $50.00 - Enroll Now - Call for Details or visit us on-line or at our location in Mountain View

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy St.

Mountain View, Ca 94043


2010 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. Hubbard, DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. >

Insomnia Tired Fatigue Aches Pains Headaches Depression Anxiety Angry Anger Nervous Panic Attacks Illness Injury Stress Trauma Phobia Eating Manic Lonely Empty Relationship Love Pain Loss Loser
Compulsive Impulsive Weak Weakness Stupid Unstable Unhappy Unfriendly Critical Irritable Social Marriage Children Communication Talking Pleasure Fear Pressure Drugs Alcohol Reactive React
Inefficient Shock Sleep Emotional Emotion Happy Thinking Thought Negative Stable Stability Guilty Hopeless Restless Worthless Concentration Recall Remember Remembering Forgetful Unforgiving Cold
Sad Anxious Disorder Therapy Sick

An Introduction to Scientology


What is Scientology?

What is the practical application of Scientology for the average man in the street? How can Scientology help people overcome their problems? Why is Man on this planet and what is his purpose here?
Such are the questions posed by millions and, in this rare filmed interview, Ron provided the answers: what drove his quest to help Mankind, his hard won discoveries providing the long-sought answers to the riddles of the mind and life, and how he forged a route to accomplish new states of beingness and happiness—here it is as Ron himself explained it to the world.
Meet the man who founded a new religion in the atomic age, a religion that now spans the globe, a religion changing the face of Earth, a religion where science and religion finally meet and so … a religion that could only have been called Scientology.
Order Now: $20.00

Order Now!

Click Here to Order Now!!

Church of Scientology Mountain View

117 Easy St.

Mountain View, Ca 94043



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© 2010 CSMV. All Rights Reserved. DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.
Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Cupertino, Bay Area, SF Peninsula, Milpitas, San Jose, Fremont, Redwood City, Newark, Insomnia,Sleep,Tired,Fatigue,Pain,Headaches,Depression,Anxiety,Anger,
Nervous,Panic Attacks,Stress,Trauma,Phobia,Lonely,Relationship,Love,Life Compulsive,Impulsive,Unhappy,