I feel so happy!! I feel no problems!! - today was really fun to do!
I feel my head is more clear and the ringing in my ears disappeared, I can relax - this is very nice. Thank you.
It was really cool to go back to when I was about 3 1/2 - 4 months in the womb - pretty cool too that I heard a song playing, and the car going and a little bump on my forehead from the shift in position. And now I feel great awake and alert!
The thing I liked about today the most was that more memories of my childhood came up. I am really hoping I see more improvement because I really want to get back to my normal self. I'm confident this will help me improve in many ways!
I was able to express myself w/people who understood what I was really saying, more than that; knowledge. I was able to understand why I act sometimes the way that I do & for a minute I really went back to a point in my life where it was painful and the engram spoke as I was having the session. It was the auditor’s persistence which allowed me to really express what I felt. I was able to clear my mind from a small point, hey - that's improvement!!!
Today was a bit easier to recall some sad incidents. However after recalling the data - I found myself tracing more details of the way I keep running away from fearful situations. The session has opened for me one window to see better ways to analyse, listen and approach rather than running away.
I audited someone today and it’s such a super pleasure to see them become happy after running something uncomfortable for them. Their face brightens up and there is less heaviness. It’s just amazing. The outcome is just fabulous for the PC and for the auditor.
I just feel more relaxed. I was needing to take all those thinks off. I just feel more peaceful. I just feel lighter, less heavy.
I feel much happier that I did this seminar and I have a happier life because of it. I feel no pain from the things I did in the seminar. It was actually fun to remember a thing that happened so long ago!
Dianetics was something real new for me at the beginning when I came in here I didn’t know what it was about – nothing at all! When the film was being played it seemed real interesting and understandable I thought – is this really possible? And it is during the auditing session when you go back to those moments that really hurt you and you talk it through you release all that pain you had it makes you feel better. When I was half way through I felt like giving up – stopping – because you have that pain in you but I continued till it ended and at the end I felt so relieved much better like if I had carried something so heavy and I just had released it. I felt happy Dianetics helped me and made me feel much better. It does really work.
I have consistently had a pain off and on in my left side from my neck to my heart and all my left side – I would get this during stressful moments. Today I ran a series of incidents and the Basic – an accident. The auditing restimulated the pain and it came on full and reduced. I can hardly believe this happened.
I recently read the book Dianetics and I came to the center on Castro St. because I really knew I needed to run some engrams out. Today after some time I got the opportunity to really do this. I am amazed. I ran a chain of painful incidents including the loss of my brother and ran the chain back to a prenatal engrams. I look forward to returning tomorrow to continue doing more.
I have had a very painful experience of loosing my brother who was 2 when I was 6 years old and I have never been able to remove the grief this has caused me all my life some 60 years. I audited this engrams but was not able to get relief. It turns out that the basic engram was the one holding it. I can not believe this happen and am still in wonder. I was very relieved and do not have the pain and sorrow I once had about my brother. I gave a session too which was very nice. I have run incidents from when I was in Iran and the demonstrations which happened was I was a child and got rid of a bad cough I have had off and on my life.
If this is what it is like being Clear, it’s worth it, it’s worth the time and effort to go through so much. Sincerely, I feel good. I had some doubts because I didn’t know how much was going to happen. But I got a lot of gains. I feel relaxed, happy and am eager to continue forward and onto to more things. Thank you to Mr. L. Ron Hubbard and to you for your time.
Dianetics auditing is really mind blowing. I never thought I could remember anything before age five but I can say now, I really was able to see much, much earlier wow I am impressed!
How is that possible? Well it is all there recorded for you to look at it is really amazing!
I have realized some useful things about my reactive behavior… how to control my feelings or let them go as the case may be.
I feel much happier that I did this seminar and I have a happier life because of it. I feel no pain from the things I addressed in the seminar. It was actually fun to remember a thing that happened so long ago!
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