Saturday, December 18, 2010

Academic Problem V62.3

Acculturation Problem V62.4

Acute Stress Disorder 308.3

Adjustment Disorder Unspecified 309.9

Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety 309.24

Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood 309.0

Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct 309.3

Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood 309.28

Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct 309.4

Adult Antisocial Behavior V71.01

Adverse Effects of Medication NOS 995.2

Age-Related Cognitive Decline 780.9

Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder 300.22

Alcohol Abuse 305.00

Alcohol Dependence 303.90

Alcohol Intoxication 303.00

Alcohol Intoxication Delirium 291.0

Alcohol Withdrawal 291.8

Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium 291.0

Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder 291.8

Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder 291.8

Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder 291.1

Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia 291.2

Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions 291.5

Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Hallucinations 291.3

Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction 291.8

Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder 291.8

Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS 291.9

Amnestic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition 294.0

Amphetamine Abuse 305.70

Amphetamine Dependence 304.40

Anorexia Nervosa 307.1

Antisocial Personality Disorder 301.7

Anxiety Disorder Due to General Medical Condition 293.89

Anxiety Disorder NOS 300.00

Asperger's Disorder 299.80

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type 314.01

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS 314.9

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly hyperactive-Impulsive Type 314.01

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type 314.00

Autistic Disorder 299.00

Avoidant Personality Disorder 301.82

Bereavement V62.82

Bipolar Disorder NOS 296.80

Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Depressed 296.5x

Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Hypomanic 296.40

Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Manic 296.4x

Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Mixed 296.6x

Bipolar I Disorder Single Manic Episode 296.0x

Bipolar I Disorder, Most recent episode Unspecified 296.7

Bipolar II Disorder 296.89

Body Dysmorphic Disorder 300.7

Borderline Intellectual Functioning V62.89

Borderline Personality Disorder 301.83

Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder 780.59

Brief Psychotic Disorder 298.8

Bulimia Nervosa 307.51

Cannabis Abuse 305.20

Cannabis Dependence 304.30

Catatonic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition 293.89

Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior V71.02

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 299.10

Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder 307.22

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder 307.45

Cocaine Abuse 305.60

Cocaine Dependence 304.20

Cognitive Disorder NOS 294.9

Communication Disorder NOS 307.9

Conduct Disorder 312.81

Conversion Disorder 300.11

Cyclothymic Disorder 301.13

Delirium Due to General Medical Condition 293.0

Delirium NOS 780.09

Delusional Disorder 297.1

Dementia Due to [Other General Medical Condition] 294.1

Dementia due to Creutzfeld-Jacob disease 290.10

Dementia Due to Head Trauma 294.1

Dementia Due to HIV Disease 294.9

Dementia Due to Huntington’s Disease 294.1

Dementia Due to Parkinson’s Disease 294.1

Dementia due to Pick's Disease 290.10

Dementia NOS or Amnestic Disorder NOS 294.8

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Early Onset, Uncomplicated 290.10

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Early Onset, With Delirium 290.11

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Early Onset, With Delusions 290.12

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Early Onset, With Depressed Mood 290.13

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Late Onset, Uncomplicated 290.0

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Late Onset, With Delirium 290.3

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Late Onset, With Delusions 290.20

Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, With Late Onset, With Depressed Mood 290.21

Dependent Personality Disorder 301.6

Depersonalization Disorder 300.6

Depressive Disorder NOS 311

Developmental Coordination Disorder 315.4

Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I or Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II 799.9

Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS 313.9

Disorder of Written Expression 315.2

Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS 312.9

Dissociative Amnesia 300.12

Dissociative Disorder NOS 300.15

Dissociative Fugue 300.13

Dissociative Identity Disorder 300.14

Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) 302.76

Dyssomnia NOS 307.47

Dysthymic Disorder 300.4

Eating Disorder NOS 307.50

Encopresis Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence 307.7

Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence 787.6

Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) 307.6

Exhibitionism 302.4

Expressive Language Disorder 315.31

Factitious Disorder NOS 300.19

Factitious Disorder With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms 300.19

Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms 300.19

Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms 300.16

Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood 307.59

Female Dyspareunia Due to [General Medical Condition] 625.0

Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] 625.8

Female Orgasmic Disorder 302.73

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder 302.72

Fetishism 302.81

Frotteurism 302.89

Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults 302.85

Gender Identity Disorder in Children or Gender Identity Disorder NOS 302.6

Gender Identity Disorder NOS 302.6

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 300.02

Hallucinogen Abuse 305.30

Hallucinogen Dependence 304.50

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) 292.89

Histrionic Personality Disorder 301.50

Hypersomnia Related to [General Medical Condition] 307.44

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 302.71

Hypochondriasis 300.7

Identity Problem 313.82

Impulse-Control Disorder NOS 312.30

Inhalant Abuse 305.90

Inhalant Dependence 304.60

Insomnia Related to [General Medical Condition] 307.42

Intermittent Explosive Disorder 312.34

Kleptomania 312.32

Learning Disorder NOS 315.9

Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent 296.3x

Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode 296.2x

Male Dyspareunia Due to [General Medical Condition] 608.89

Male Erectile Disorder 302.72

Male Erectile Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] 607.84

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] 608.89

Male Orgasmic Disorder 302.74

Malingering V65.2

Mathematics Disorder 315.1

Medication-Induced Movement Disorder NOS 333.90

Medication-Induced Postural Tremor 333.1

Mental Disorder due to General Medical Condition 293.9

Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified 319

Mild mental retardation 317

Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder 315.31

Moderate Mental Retardation 318.0

Mood Disorder Due to General Medical Condition 293.83

Mood Disorder NOS 296.90

Narcissistic Personality Disorder 301.81

Narcolepsy 347

Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) 995.5

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome 333.92

Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia 333.99

Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia 333.7

Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism 332.1

Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia 333.82

Nicotine Dependence 305.10

Nightmare Disorder 307.47

No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I or Axis II V71.09

Noncompliance With Treatment V15.81

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 300.3

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder 301.4

Occupational Problem V62.2

Opioid Abuse 305.50

Opioid Dependence 304.00

Oppositional Defiant Disorder 313.81

Oppositional Defiant Disorder 313.81

Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse 305.90

Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence 304.90

Other Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to [General Medical Condition] 625.8

Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to [General Medical Condition] 608.89

Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition 307.89

Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors 307.80

Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia 300.21

Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia 300.01

Paranoid Personality Disorder 301.0

Paraphilia NOS 302.9

Parasomnia NOS 307.47

Parent-Child Relational Problem V61.20

Partner Relational Problem V61.1

Pathological Gambling 312.31

Pedophilia 302.2

Personality Disorder Due to General Medical Condition 310.1

Personality Disorder NOS 301.9

Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS 299.80

Phase of Life Problem V62.89

Phencyclidine Abuse 305.90

Phencyclidine Dependence 304.90

Phonological Disorder 315.39

Physical abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim) 995.81

Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) 995.5

Physical or Sexual Abuse of Adult V61.1

Pica 307.52

Polysubstance Dependence 304.80

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 309.81

Premature Ejaculation 302.75

Primary Hypersomnia 307.44

Primary Insomnia 307.42

Profound Mental Retardation 318.2

Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition 316

Psychotic Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], With Delusions 293.81

Psychotic Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], With Hallucinations 293.82

Psychotic Disorder NOS 298.9

Pyromania 312.33

Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood 313.89

Reading Disorder 315.00

Relational Problem NOS V62.81

Relational Problem Related to [a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition] V61.9

Religious or Spiritual Problem V62.89

Rett's Disorder 299.80

Rumination Disorder 307.53

Schizoaffective Disorder 295.70

Schizoid Personality Disorder 301.20

Schizophrenia Undifferentiated Type 295.90

Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type 295.20

Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type 295.10

Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type 295.30

Schizophrenia, Residual Type 295.60

Schizophreniform Disorder 295.40

Schizotypal Personality Disorder 301.22

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse 305.40

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence 304.10

Selective Mutism 313.23

Separation Anxiety Disorder 309.21

Severe Mental Retardation 318.1

Sexual abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim) 995.81

Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) 995.5

Sexual Aversion Disorder 302.79

Sexual Disorder NOS 302.9

Sexual Dysfunction NOS 302.70

Sexual Masochism 302.83

Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child V61.21

Sexual Sadism 302.84

Shared Psychotic Disorder 297.3

Sibling Relational Problem V61.8

Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Hypersomnia Type 780.54

Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Insomnia Type 780.52

Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Mixed Type 780.59

Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Parasomnia 780.59

Sleep Terror Disorder 307.46

Sleepwalking Disorder 307.46

Social Phobia 300.23

Somatization Disorder 300.81

Somatoform Disorder NOS 300.81

Specific Phobia 300.29

Stereotypic Movement Disorder 307.3

Stuttering 307.0

Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89

Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Nicotine, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Related Disorder NOS 292.9

Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cocaine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Sleep Disorder 292.89

Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions 292.11

Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12

Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Intoxication Delirium 292.81

Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Intoxication 292.89

Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84

Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Nicotine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Withdrawal 292.0

Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Sexual Dysfunction 292.89

Substance [Inhalant, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Persisting Dementia 292.82

Substance [Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Withdrawal Delirium 292.81

Substance [Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder 292.83

Tic Disorder NOS 307.20

Tourette's Disorder 307.23

Transient Tic Disorder 307.21

Transvestic Fetishism 302.3

Trichotillomania 312.39

Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder 300.81

Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic) 300.9

Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) 306.51

Vascular Dementia, Uncomplicated 290.40

Vascular Dementia, With Delirium 290.41

Vascular Dementia, With Delusions 290.42

Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood 290.43

Voyeurism 302.82

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