Friday, February 18, 2011

They said "E" would be fun...they lied.


They said "E" would be fun...they lied.


Ecstasy is usually taken orally in pill, tablet or capsule form. Taking more than one at a time is called “bumping.”

Ecstasy is a synthetic drug made in a laboratory. Makers may add anything they choose to the drug, such as caffeine, amphetamines and even cocaine. Ecstasy is illegal and has effects similar to hallucinogens and stimulants. It is addictive. The pills are of different colors and are sometimes marked with cartoon-like images. Mixing ecstasy with alcohol is extremely dangerous and can be lethal.

The stimulative effects of drugs like ecstasy enable the user to dance for long periods, and when combined with the hot, crowded conditions found at raves, can lead to extreme dehydration and heart or kidney failure.



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ACID (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Alcohol Amphetamines Anabolic Steroids Anoretics Antihistamines Barbituates Benzodiazepines Buprenorphine Caffeine Cannabis Cocaine Codeine Crack Dexamphetamine Sulphate Dextromoramide Dextropropoxyphene Diethylpropion Dihydrocodeine Dipipanone Dope Downers Ecstacy Fly Agaric Glues Gooeys Hallucinogens Hash/Hashish Heroin Hypnotics Isopropyl Alcohol Junk Ketamine LPG LSD Magic Mushrooms Marijuana MDMA Mescaline Methadone Methylamphetamine Morphine Nicotine Nitrates Opiates & Opioid Pethidine Poppers Pot Psilocybin Resin Rubbing Alcohol Smack Solvents Speed Steroids (anabolic) Tobacco Uppers Valium Wake Ups Whizbang XTC Yundi Zoom

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